In this article, we'll explain how to secure a hammock safely and comfortably. Whether inside or outside your home, we advise you to follow these little tips, which we'll share with you.

Knowing the dimensions of your hammock

First of all, it's essential to know the dimensions of your hammock to determine how much space you need to hang it properly. Measure the total length of the hammock, including the loops at the ends. The distance between the hanging points should be at least equal to this measurement and ideally slightly greater to compensate for the tension caused by the weight. This will ensure even distribution of the load and avoid any risk of collapse.

Note also that a cotton hammock will relax much more than a polypropylene hammock.

Choosing the right fixing points: walls, supports, trees

Next, you need to choose the right fixing points to hang your hammock. This will vary depending on where you want to install your hammock. Here are some common options:

- Walls: For concrete or brick walls, use specific plugs that are suitable for these materials. Also make sure you drill into a solid part of the wall and not into the joints between bricks or blocks.

- Supports: If you want to be able to move your hammock to suit your needs, supports can be ideal. Made of wood or metal, they will provide a reliable and solid base for your hammock. Just be sure to adapt the size of your support to that of your hammock.

- Trees: When you hang your hammock between two trees, make sure the trunks are strong enough to support your weight. You should also avoid hanging your hammock from branches, as they could break under tension. To avoid damaging the tree bark, use specific straps designed to support hammocks without causing damage. Also make sure that your trees are spaced far enough apart according to the dimensions recommended in the product sheet for your fixing kit.

Tying strong knots to secure the hammock

To hang your hammock properly, it's essential to make strong knots that will withstand both weight and repeated movement. Here are some popular knot options for securing your hammock:

1. Chair knot: This classic knot is very easy to tie and can withstand considerable loads without coming undone. Simply pass the rope around the object (such as a tree or post) and then back on itself to form a half knot. For added safety, add another half-knot above the first.

2. Knot of eight : This type of knot is highly resistant and can support heavy loads without slipping or unravelling. It consists of passing the rope over itself to form a figure eight with the loops to secure the hammock. You then tie each end to an anchor point using the same knot.

3. Key knot: This quick and easy knot is also suitable for attaching your hammock. You need to make two loops with the rope, then cross the loops together, taking care not to tie them too tightly. Finally, you can secure the knot by placing an object in the space created by the loops.

Installing the hammock at the right height and angle of inclination

The height and angle of your hammock are crucial for comfortable and safe hanging. Here are a few tips to bear in mind:

- Height: The distance between the ground and the bottom of the hammock should be large enough to allow a person to sit or climb in easily without touching the ground. A height of around 45 cm is generally recommended.

- Angle of inclination: The ideal angle for sleeping in a hammock is about 30 degrees to the horizontal. This distributes the weight evenly, avoiding uncomfortable pressure points and the risk of tipping over.

Adjusting hammock tension

The tension of your hammock should be adjusted to provide the best possible comfort without creating a risk of falling. A hammock that is too tight can tip over easily, while one that is too loose could hit the ground and lose its stability. To find the right balance, make sure the ropes or straps are firmly attached without exerting too much pressure on the anchor points.

Regular maintenance and care

To ensure the longevity of your hammock and the safety of those who use it, it is important to check its condition regularly and carry out any necessary maintenance:

- Inspection: Periodically check ropes, straps and knots for signs of wear or damage. Replace defective parts immediately to avoid any risk of accident.

- Washing: Depending on the type of material used to make your hammock, it may need regular cleaning to maintain its quality and appearance. Consult the manufacturer's instructions for the best washing and drying methods.

- Weather protection: If your hammock is installed outdoors, it may be exposed to the elements such as rain, sun and wind. If possible, remove it during periods of bad weather or cover it to protect it. It's also a good idea to take your hammock stand inside during the winter months to avoid damage from frost.